Psychiatry & psychology
The Department of Psychiatry and Psychology offers a full range of mental health and disorder management for adults and children
The Department of Psychiatry and Psychology offers a full range of mental health and disorder management for adults and children. The decision to seek counselling is a personal one and should be made with the confidence that you will be receiving expert, professional care in complete confidence and privacy.
At Universal Hospital, we have Psychiatrists and fully-trained & certified Clinical Psychologists who function closely to ensure optimal recovery for a whole range of services, such as:
. Marital therapy . Family Counselling . Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) . Stress-Related Disorders . Alcohol Addiction . Drug Addiction . Disorders in children (Test Anxiety, Phobias, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity disorder, Enuresis, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, etc.) . Bed Wetting . Disorders evident in adolescents . Career Counselling . Occupational problems . Job Interview Training . Intelligence Assessment (IQ Testing) . Enhancing Social and Emotional Intelligence . Boosting Self Esteem . Anger Management . Time Management . Learning Disorders . Schizophrenia . Depression/Bipolar Disorder . Eating disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating) . Sleep disorders (Insomnia and other) . Sexual dysfunctions in males and females . Dementia . Social Phobia . Anxiety and Panic Attacks . Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, etc.
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