Pediatric surgery
The Department of Paediatric Surgery at Universal Hospital provides the skills and latest surgical techniques to ensure an excellent outcome for your young one’s surgery.
The Department of Paediatric Surgery at Universal Hospital provides the skills and latest surgical techniques to ensure an excellent outcome for your young one’s surgery.
Paediatric Surgery is a subspecialty of surgery involving the surgery of foetuses, infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.
Children aren't just little adults. Medical diagnoses and treatments (and even some surgical tools!) need to be specialized for a child's developmental stage and size. Some medical conditions are specific to children.
Paediatric surgery initially started to fulfil the need to surgically correct birth defects but has evolved over time to involve novel techniques and methods. Paediatric surgeons now cover a whole gamut of conditions:
. Neonatal: Paediatric surgeons have specialized knowledge in the surgical repair of birth defects, some of which may be life threatening to premature and full-term infants. . Prenatal: Paediatric surgeons, in cooperation with radiologists, use ultrasound and other technologies during the fetal stage of a child's development to detect any abnormalities. They can then plan corrective surgery and educate and get to know parents before their baby is born. Prenatal diagnosis may lead to fetal surgery, which is a new forefront in the subspecialty of paediatric surgery. Application of most fetal surgical techniques is still in the experimental stage. . Trauma: Because trauma is the number one killer of children in a large part of the world, paediatric surgeons are routinely faced with critical care situations involving traumatic injuries sustained by children that may or may not require surgical intervention. . Paediatric Oncology: Paediatric surgeons are involved in the diagnosis and surgical care of children with malignant tumors as well as those with benign growths.
There are a number of conditions in children that can be treated by a Paediatric Surgeon. Some of them are listed below:
. Achalasia . Ambiguous Genitalia . Appendicitis . Annular Pancreas . Anorectal Malformation . Bilary Atresia . Biliary Dyskinesia . Branchial Cysts, Sinuses and Remnants . Breast Problems . Chest (Mediastinal) Cysts . Chest Wall Deformities . Choledochal Cyst . Cholecystitis Acalculous . Cholelithiasis (Gallstones) . Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) . Conjoined Twins . Cystic Hygroma . Empyema . Epididymitis and Orchitis . Esophageal Atresia & Tracheoesophageal Fistula . Gastroesophageal Reflux . Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies & Bezoars . Gastroschisis . Hepatoblastoma . Hirschsprung's Disease . Hyperinsulinism . Hyperthyroidism . Inguinal Hernia . Intussusception . Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy . Lung Lesions . Malrotation and Volvulus . Meckel's Diverticulum . Meconium Ileus . Meconium Plug/Small Left Colon Syndrome . Neck Abnormalities . Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) . Neuroblastoma . Omphalocele . Pancreas Tumors . Pancreas Divisum . Pancreatic Cysts . Pancreatitis . Parathyroid . Pectus Carinatum . Pectus Excavatum . Paediatric Cancer . Perirectal Abscess . Pyloric Stenosis . Rare Cancers . Short Bowel Syndrome . Soft Tissue Sarcoma . Solid Chest (Medistinal) Tumors . Spleen Problems . Testicular Torsion . Thyroglossal Duct Cysts and Sinuses . Thyroid Cancer . Thyroiditis . Thyroid Nodules . Thyroid Tissue at the Wrong Site (Ectopic) . Torsion of Testicular Appendix . Torticollis . Ulcerative Colitis . Umbilical Granuloma/Polyp . Umbilical Hernia . Umbilical Infection (omphalitis) . Umbilical Problems . Undescended Testis . Vascular Tumors . Wilms' Tumor
Minimally Invasive Paediatric Surgery can be done for: . Bowel Reconnection . Cholecystectomy . Colostomy . Fetal Surgery & Treatment . Fundoplication . Gastrostomy Tubes . Ileostomy Pouch . Jackson-Pratt Drain . Kasai Procedure . Long Term Intravenous Catheters . Magnetic Mini-Mover Procedure . Paediatric Obesity Surgery . Pancreas Transplantation . Splenectomy
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