The Department of Neurology at Universal Hospital provides personalized care for patients with neurological diseases and provides meaningful new therapies for our guests.
At the Department of Neurology at Universal Hospital our brilliant and experienced Neurologists provide personalized care for patients with neurological diseases and provide meaningful new therapies for our guests.
We provide care for those suffering from neurological diseases and disorders of the nervous system. They may range from disorders of the central, peripheral and/or autonomic nervous systems.
The Department has facilities to conduct various studies using cutting edge testing modalities like: . Electroencephalography (EEG) . Nerve Conduction Study . Brain Stem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) . Visual Evoked Potential Tests (VEP)
Some of the conditions that are treated are: . Headaches (Resistant Migraine, Pain Management, etc.) . Chronic Pain Disorders due to neurological causes . Epilepsy and Seizures . Latest strategies in Stroke Care . Movement disorders (Parkinson's Disease, Tic disorders, Tremors, etc.) . Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) . Tourette Syndrome . Neuropathy caused by different conditions (such as Diabetic Neuropathy, B12 or Folate Vitamin Deficiencies, Chronic Kidney Disease, etc.) . Neuromuscular and muscle disorders . Infective diseases of the brain (Meningitis, Encephalitis, etc.) . Demyelinating Diseases (Multiple Sclerosis, Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis or ADEM, etc.) . Nerve compression disorders like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, etc.
They are also assisted by imaging modalities from the Radiology Department like the High Resolution CT Scan, 1.5 Tesla Ultra Wide Bore MRI Scan, and Colour Doppler Scan.
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