Internal medicine
The Department of Internal Medicine is committed to delivering patient care of the highest quality and offers a wide scope of medical services from acute to chronic ailments.
The Department of Internal Medicine is delivers patient care of the highest quality and offers a wide scope of medical services for acute and chronic ailments. In addition, the Department provides preventive health care and routine examination.
It provides medical care to a large range of ages from children to the elderly and provides various services like:
. General family care (both male and female) . Preventive care and screening of females (such as mammograms and pap smears) . Annual health checks and metabolic disease screening . Treatment of acute illnesses like colds, headaches, migraines, muscle and back pain, rashes and skin diseases . Evaluation for weight issues . Treatment and follow up of Thyroid problems . Management of Lifestyle Diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity, Ischaemic Heart Disease, Dyslipidaemia . Management of high cholesterol and heart disorders . General adolescent illnesses like fever, rashes, viral illnesses, growth disorders . Family planning and contraceptive advice . Old age prolonged care and multiple medication correction
The Department also offers expert management and follow up for Diabetes Mellitus (during pregnancy and gestational as well), Obesity, Thyroid, and other chronic diseases like Hypertension, Hypercholesterolaemia, etc.
In addition to the Internal Medicine Department the hospital has various specialist departments like Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Endocrinology, Gynaecology and Pulmonary Medicine to deal with specific areas of medicine.
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